P-Unit 6
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ANEE English - G1

Wonders G1 - 北美英文同步课程

Price 1050.00

Dear Jaime's mother,

For today's challenging lesson, Jaime worked very hard to be successful in his English language learning (with your wonderful help as usual. Thank you).

 Since the lesson curriculum was challenging for Jaimie today, I will continue to teach him at the Grade 1, Unit 1 curriculum level. I hope that you feel the same way. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Thank you very much Jaime's mother.


For HOMEWORK (see link below), can Jaime please complete as much work as he can understand. If he does not understand any of the exercises, please write: JDNU. Thank you so much.


Have a wonderful weekend to the whole family and I look forward to our next lesson on Monday.

Very best regards,

Mr. Grande

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Dear Jaime's mother,

For today's lesson, I administered the Lesson 8 Weekly Test. Jaime did very well (12 out of 15 = 80% = A-). 

He had difficulty distinguishing the letter sounds and blends in words (e.g., the word 'mill' has 3 sounds: 'm', 'i', 'll'). He also forgot the meaning of two key words, which he learned in his previous lessons. Nonetheless, he did very well!

Great hard work today, Jaime!


For HOMEWORK, can Jaime please complete the following:

Lesson 8, Task 2 (Homework)

and if he has time:

Lesson 8, Task 3 (Extra Homework)


Thank you and have a wonderful evening.

I look forward to our lesson on Friday.

Very best regards,

Mr. Grande

. After the test, 

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Hello Jaime and Jaime's mother,

Jaime have a very good class today. He worked very hard and we worked on his speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.

We covered the following:

1) Reviewed his homework

2) Learned how to use the 'Word Correct' Reading Chart

3)  Worked on his Reading Fluency with 

Lesson 7, Task 1 (Literature Book)


For HOMEWORK, can Jamie please complete and submit the following:

1) Lesson 7, Task 4 - Extra Homework - (1 page)

2) Read for 15 minutes - an English story that Jamie chooses/likes.

I ask that Jamie reads his story, out loud and without correction. This exercise is to help TRAIN Jaime's mouth and tongue, to speak English words (articulation and enunciation practice).

This 'uninterrupted' and 'noncorrection' reading exercise will also help Jaime develop his EAR to the sounds of the English language as well as to help him lbuild his Reading Confidence and his Reading Fluency. Thank you.


Have a very good evening and I look forward to our lesson on Wednesday.

Mr. Grande


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Dear Jamie's mother,

Jamie participated very well in class on Friday (Feb 11th). He tried his very best to answer the questions being asked of him and he honestly responded when asked if he understood new vocabulary, understood what I was saying, or understood what the activities were instructing him to do. This honesty will significantly accelerate his learning, and with Jaime's mother's strong, loving support and her immediate translation services, his learning will accelerate even more quickly. Great!

p.s.: I am so happy that Google Translate is accurate enough, confirmed by Jaime's mother, to assist Jaime with new vocabulary comprehension. Therefore, I don't have to rely so heavily on Jaime's mother's translation assistance and we (mother and I) both can provide comprehension support, in partnership. This is so ideal for Jaime's overall learning success.

We covered the following literacy concepts from Lesson 6, Task 2 (Beyond):

1) Variant Vowels

2) High Frequency Words

3) New Vocabulary

4) Reading Strategies and Comprehension


For HOMEWORK, can Jamie please complete and submit the following:

Lesson 6, Task 1 (On-Level Reading) -


Read, Record, and Submit Jamie reading this text, to the best of his ability.

Please note: if you have trouble recording and submitting using the ANEE system, vocaroo.com is another option for you.


Thank you. Have a wonderful weekend to your whole dear family. Mom, Jamie is such a sweet child and a joy to teach. Thank you for providing him with a safe and loving learning environment for him to succeed in his studies, here in Canada, in lovely Halifax. As each day passes, I know he will feel more and more comfortable and happy here, because of you and your wonderful care for him. Wonderful!

Have a really great weekend and all the very best to you all.

Mr. Grande.

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Dear Jaime's mother,

Jaime worked hard again throughout today's lesson and your assistance is very much appreciated as always. Thank you.

We worked on Lesson 5, Task 2 (R&W) and we covered the following English language concepts: 

1) Pre-reading strategies: p.236-237

2) New Vocabulary: p.238-239

3) Phonics/Fluency: p.240-241

4) Reading strategies: p.242-251


For HOMEWORK, can Jaime please complete and submit the following lesson(s):

Lesson 5, Task 3 (Extra Homework)

(and if he has time - Lesson 5, Task 4 - Extra Homework).


Thank you. Have a very good evening and I look forward to seeing Jaime on Friday.

Very best regards,

Mr. Grande

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Dear Jaime's mother,

Jaime worked very hard today throughout his lesson and you were very helpful once again - thank you as always.

Today, for Jaime's English language level, he did very well with his reading exercise. He was reading with good fluency, pronunciation, and punctuation intonation (periods and exclamation marks).

The more reading that Jaime does, the better his overall reading will be. Also, reading will help Jaime understand sentence structures, capital letters, word choices, punctuation use, etc. It is a great activity for him and I thank you mom for helping with Jaime's reading practice.

Jamie had his first in-class test and he achieved an 11 out of 15 = 73% = B- 

We reviewed his errors and he learned the correct understanding of Pronouns, Verbs, middle sounds, and the short 'a' sound.

Well done Jamie!


For HOMEWORK, can Jaime please complete and submit: 

Lesson 5, Task 1 (Feb 09) - Spelling Practice


Jaime's mom - whatever Jaime cannot do or cannot understand on his homework, it is okay. I will teach Jaime these difficult homework language concepts in class.

Please just write 'JDNU' (Jaime Does Not Understand) on the homework activity he does not complete. Thank you.

Have a very good evening and I look forward to seeing you both on Wednesday. 

Good luck on your IELTS test, Jaime's mom!

Best regards,

Mr. Grande.

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Dear Jaime's mother,

Thank you very much for all your help once again in class. We make a good teaching team for Jaime!

Jaime had a very good class today. We worked on the following English language concepts using Lesson 3, Task 1 (Pre-Reading Literature Book):

1) Dialogue - Question & Answers

example: What do you see?

                I see 15 crayons.

               What colour are the teacher's pants?

               The teacher's pants are brown.

2) The Title of a book.

3) Detail: an important part of a story.

4) Genre: a type of story 

example: Realistic Fiction

For HOMEWORK, can Jaime please try his best to complete the following:

Lesson 3, Task 3 (Homework - Your Beyond Reading)

1) Read 'Beware of the Lion'

2) Complete 'Respond to Reading' p.12 - Text Evidence - Questions 1-3

Thank you and have a very nice weekend even with this bad weather. Be safe.

Very best regards,

Mr. Grande

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Dear Jaime's mother,

Thank you so much for all your help today in Jaime's lesson. It is very important that Jaime understands my instructions and your help in clarifying my instructions to Jaime is valuable for his learning. Thank you very much once again.

For today's lesson, we covered the following literacy concepts:

1) Lesson 1, Task 3 - Grammar

- Sentences

- Capital Letters: uppercase, big letters.

- Punctuation: periods, question marks, exclamation marks. 

2) Lesson 2, Task 1 (In Class Practice

- Short 'a' sound

- Ordinal Numbers

- Key Vocabulary

- Key Details

- Reading Strategies


For HOMEWORK, can Jaime please complete:

Lesson 2, Task 2 - Homework (Your Beyond Practice) - pages 7-10


Thank you.

Very best regards,

Mr. Grande


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Dear Jaime's mother,   

For today's lesson (Fri.Jan.28th), we worked on Lesson 1, Task 1 (Spelling Practice and Lesson 1, Task 2 (R&W).

Jaime did very well and he is beginning to understand verbal sentence frames with more accuracy and also comprehending written instructions with more clarity. 

We covered the following literacy concepts using the language learning components of speaking, listening, reading, and writing practice: 

1) Key Vocabulary - Comprehension

2) Capital/Uppercase & Lowercase Letters

3) Reading Strategies for Story and for Activity Instructions

4) Punctuation Intonation (period, question mark, and exclamation mark)

5) Speaking in Sentence Frames

6) Short 'a' sound


For HOMEWORK, can Jaime please complete the following, to the best of his ability:

Lesson 1, Task 3 (Grammar)


Thank you and have a wonderful New Year holiday celebration next week, to the whole family! See you on Wed.Feb.02.2022.

My best wishes are with you all!

Mr. Grande.

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It was great to see James in class today. He worked quite slowly and we only finished our reading and review of the vocabulary words. I reminded James it is important to be attentive and finish his activities in class.


Ms. Katie

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James did very well with the lesson reading about vultures. We both agreed vultures were a bit gross. He answered all post reading questions and was able to identify the main idea of the reading. 

Great work!



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James did well correcting his homework today and with his lesson reading. He was a bit reluctant with the lesson grammar activities, but we worked through several.


Ms. Katie

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James did very well with his lesson reading today about Penguins. He completed all post-reading activities and talked about the main idea or details in different paragraphs.

James identified the letters that made the long /e/ sound in different words. He used words with prefixes in sentences (un-, pre-, re-).

Great work today from James.


Ms. Katie

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Joseph did an excellent job in class today. We reviewed the story from his unit test. He had a perfect score on the unit test and did both listening questions in class correctly.

Joseph reviewed using verbs in the present simple tense and began reading a short story.

Oct. 14.

Joseph did well with the vocabulary and spelling practice. He uses most possessive pronouns correctly in conversation but can become confused when completing activities in class (her/him). He will continue to practice possessives throughout this unit. He can review the lesson slides for extra practice. 


Ms. Katie

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James did well in class today. He was off camera and a bit reluctant to participate at the beginning of the lesson, with encouragement he completed all lesson activities. James spelled most spelling words correctly and he can continue to practice the words 'seat' and 'beak.' He did a great job in his grammar lesson using the lesson verb (have) in sentences and completing his own sentences.

Thank you,


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Joseph did an excellent job in both of his lessons this week. He was able to spell all spelling words correctly and he used unit vocabulary words in his own sentences. Joseph was able to identify what would be in a realistic or fantasy story.

Great job Joseph!

Thank you,

Ms. Katie

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Joseph did very well in both lessons this week. He is always attentive and works hard. Joseph can read and write all spelling words. He did a great job in his grammar lesson practicing using verbs in the simple present tense.

Excellent work from Joseph today in class.

Thank you and see you soon, 

Teacher Katie

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James did a great job today reading about bats. We made a Venn diagram to compare bats and birds and he remembered all of the important information.

I did not see James' unit test in the portal and we can take it up together in the next lesson. 


Ms. Katie

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James did well in class today. He had a longer reading and he sounded out several difficult words independently. James was able to use his vocabulary words to complete sentences and I reviewed with him words we can use to show a sequence (first, next, then, last). James reviewed contractions (isn't, aren't, weren't) and he did well with the spelling of each. 


Ms. Katie

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Joseph did an excellent job in his first Wonders lesson with me. We previewed the spelling words for this unit and Joseph was able to complete and use all words correctly. He did a great job with the lesson reading and new vocabulary words.


Ms. Katie

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