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Dear parents,

We are now in our second week of Unit 2 ANEE English G3. 

Today, we completed the Weekly Test as well as Lesson 6, Task 2 in class today. We covered the following:

1) Grammar p.31-35 (Singular/Plural Nouns, End Marks: Period/Question/Exclamation, Sentence Types: Command/Statement/Question/Exclamation).

For homework, to the best of their ability, can your children please complete the following Lesson 6, Task 1, On-Level Reading activities:

1) Read Aloud, Record, and Submit p.1-15. 

2) 'Respond to Reading' p.16 (Text Evidence Q1-3)

3) My Wonder's Dictionary' - one to two word entries.

Thank you and have a very good evening.

Mr. Grande.

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Dear parents,

We are beginning the second week of Unit 2 - ANEE English G3. 

Today, we almost completed the Unit 2, Lesson 4 Weekly Test. We will finish the test at the beginning of tomorrow's class. 

For homework, to the best of their ability, can your children please complete the following activities:

1) Lesson 5, Task 1:

     - Spelling Practice p.37-40

2) Lesson 5, Task 2:

     - Vocabulary p.116-117

3) 'My Wonder's Dictionary' - one or two word entries.

Thank you and have a very good evening.

Mr. Grande.

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Dear parents,

We have begun Unit 2 of ANEE English G3, this week. 

We completed the Unit 1, Lesson 20, Week 5, Weekly Test today (your child's results sent to you, by message). We also worked on Lesson 3, Task 1 in class today. We covered the following:

1) p.51 (New Vocabulary).

2) p.58, Pt.B (Plural Forms).

For homework, to the best of their ability, can your children please complete the following Lesson 3, Task 2 activities:

1) Read p.101-118

2) Complete p.119, Q1-3

3) 'My Wonder's Dictionary' - one to two word entries.

Thank you and have a very good evening.

Mr. Grande.

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Dear parents,

We are now beginning Unit 2 of ANEE English G3. 

Since last week's Lesson 20, Week 5 Test was not completed and submitted by your children, we completed most of this Weekly Test in class today. We will complete the Writing Portion (Q21) of this test during tomorrow's class. A personal message will  be sent to you with your child's test results at that time. Thank you.

For today's homework, to the best of their ability, can your children please complete the following Lesson 2 activities:

A) Task 1

1) On-Level Reading (read, record, and submit).

B) Task 2

1) Grammar p.51 & 58

C) 'My Wonder's Dictionary' - one or two word entries.

Thank you and have a very good evening.

Mr. Grande.

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Dear parents,

We are now beginning Unit 2 of ANEE English G3. 

We completed Lesson 1, Task 2 in class today. We covered the following:

1) Read p.99-107 (Reading Strategies)

2) Do p.109-111 (Theme, Genre, Antonyms - timid/shy - brave/not shy)

For homework, to the best of their ability, can your children please complete the following Lesson 1, Task 1, activities:

1) Grammar p.31-35

2) 'My Wonder's Dictionary' - one or two word entries.

Thank you and have a very good evening.

Mr. Grande.

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Dear parents,

We completed Lesson 19, Task 2, p.42 - 44, in class today. 

For homework, to the best of their ability, can your children please complete the following activities:

1) Lesson 19, Task 1 - Read p.94 - 97 and

complete, 'Respond to Reading', p.97.

2) 'My Wonder's Dictionary'

By the end of this week, your child should have 4 to 8 word entries in their dictionaries. 

Thank you and have a very good evening.

Mr. Grande.

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Dear parents,

We completed Lesson 18, Task 2 in class today.

For homework, to the best of their ability, can your children please complete the following activities:

1) Read Aloud, Record, and Submit

       (Lesson 18, Task 1 - p.1-14)

2) 'My Wonder's Dictionary' - 1-2 word entries.

Thank you and have a very good evening.

Mr. Grande.

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Dear parents,

We completed Lesson 17, Task 2 in class today.

For homework, to the best of their ability, can your children please complete the following activities:

1) Complete - Lesson 17, Task 1 - p.25-29'

2) 'My Wonder's Dictionary' - 1-2 word entries.

Thank you and have a very good evening.

Mr. Grande.

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Dear parents,

We completed Lesson 15, Task 1 in class today.

For homework, to the best of their ability, can your children please complete the following Lesson 15, Task 2, activities:

1) Complete - p.31, p.33-35, p.38 Pt.A.

2) 'My Wonder's Dictionary' - 1 or 2 word entries.

Thank you and have a very good evening.

Mr. Grande.

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Dear parents,

We completed Lesson 14, Task 2 in class today.

For homework, to the best of their ability, can your children please complete the following Lesson 14, Task 1, activities:

1) Read Only - p.1-14

2) Complete - Respond to Reading - p.15

3) 'My Wonder's Dictionary' - 1 or 2 word entry.

Thank you and have a very good evening.

Mr. Grande.

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Dear parents,

We completed Lesson 13, Task 1 in class today.

For homework, to the best of their ability, can your children please complete the following Lesson 13, Task 2, activities:

1) Read Only - p.66-75.

2) Complete - 'Cause and Effect: p.77' and 'Metaphors: p.79'.

3) 'My Wonder's Dictionary' - one or two word entry.

Thank you and have a very good evening.

Mr. Grande.

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Dear G3 Parents,

Please continue to encourage your children to participate in class and to take risks with the curriculum. When they do so, the potential for what level of learning they can achieve, is limitless. Thank you for the wonderful support, you provide your children, in their learning. 

We successfully covered many components of Grammar in today's Lesson 11, Task 2, activities.

For Homework (Lesson 11, Task 1), please have your children complete and submit, the following:

1) Read, 'Gary the Dreamer'.

2) Complete, 'Respond to Reading' - p.71.

3) Add an unfamiliar Word to their, 'My Wonder's Dictionary'.

Thank you once again.

Mr. Grande.

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Dear Parents,

Please find attached charts which your children will need to place in their notebooks. Thank you.

Today, in class, we covered Lesson 10, Task 2 (Grammar). 

For homework, your children are to do Lesson 10, Task 1. They are to do the following:

1) Read the story, 'Judy Baca'.

2) Complete all of, 'Respond to Reading', on page 15.

3) One word entry into their, 'My Wonder's Dictionary'.

Have a good evening to you all. 

Mr. Grande.

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​Dear Parents,

Your children worked very hard today. They were focused and engaged throughout most of today's lesson and they were motivated to learn the curriculum in detail. Well done to them all.

Today, we covered the, 'My Wonder's Dictionary', creation and use. 

The expectation is for your child to find one word per lesson to write in their Dictionary (4 per week) and to build their Vocabulary Bank of knowledge.

There are four entries they need to make per word:

1) the Word;

2) the Dictionary meaning [dictionary.com - can be used];

3) a Synonym for the word [synonym.com - can be used]; 

4) Find the Word in the Text - write out the sentence the Word appears in, from the story. Thank you.

Today's Homework is to READ Lesson 9, Task 2, and complete the following questions:

1) p.61 - Sequence - 'Your Turn'.

2) p.63 - Compound Words - 'Your Turn'.

3) One Word entry into their, 'My Wonder's Dictionary'. 

Thank you all once again for your strong dedication to your child's academic success.

Have a wonderful evening to all of you.

Mr. Grande.

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Dear Parents,

In preparation of next week's Grammar and Vocabulary focused lessons, for homework over the weekend, can you please have your children complete the following 3 tasks:

1) Lesson 6 - Task 2 - p. 6-7, p.10

2) Lesson 7 - Task 2 - p.11, p.17-18

3) Lesson 8 - Weekly Test - to be completed Independently (Question 21 - is to be written in Hamburger Paragraph Form)

Thank you very much.

Your children are working very hard. They are receiving higher level curriculum and instruction. I am very proud of their hard work and progress. Thank you for all your support in their education.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Very best regards, as always.

Mr. Grande.

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Dear Parents,

For homework today (07.14. 2021), can you please have your children READ ONLY:

Lesson 7 - Task 1. 

We will go over their reading during tomorrow's lesson. Thank you very much.

Very best regards,

Mr. Grande.

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Dear Parents,

For homework today (07.13.2021), can you please have your children READ ONLY:

Lesson 6 - Task 1. 

We will go over their reading during tomorrow's lesson. Thank you very much.

Very best regards,

Mr. Grande.


I have attached a Editing Mark - Proofreading Chart.

We cover this in class and the attachment is for your child to keep on file whenever their work is edited or proofread by a teacher/peer, or whenever they edit or proofread their own or someone else's work. Thank you.

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Dear Parents,

Your children worked very hard today. They were focused and engaged throughout today's lesson and they were motivated to learn the curriculum in detail. Well done to them all.

Today, we covered the Writing portion of our Weekly Tests and success strategies. FYI - we covered success strategies for the Multiple Choice portion of our Weekly Tests, last Thursday. 

Weekly Tests will be done after our last lesson of the week on Thursdays. They are to independently complete the Weekly Tests and then submit them to ANEE for my Evaluation. Parents, please do not assist your children in completing their Weekly tests. If they require assistance with submitting their Weekly Tests, please do so. Thank you very much.

For their Writing portion, your children learned the Hamburger method of Paragraph Writing (see below).

The Expectation is that your child's written work is neat (well-formed letters, etc), with correct use of uppercase/lowercase letters, punctuation, and sentence structure – literary components which we are learning in our lessons and they must be applied to their work. Thank you.

For today’s Homework, they are to READ ONLY - Lesson #5 - Task #1. We will cover Task #1 Questions, in class tomorrow. Thank you once again.

Have a wonderful day to you all. Mr. Grande.

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Dear Parents.

Once again your children participated well in today's lesson. For homework, at a minimum, and before tomorrow's lesson, please have your child do the following:

Lesson 3 - Task 2: p.3 to p.5 pt.A.

Thank you.

Have a good evening to you all.

Mr. Grande.

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