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Dear James' parents,

James had another strong lesson. He did get confused with some of my instructions for lesson activities however overall, he did great!

For today's lesson, we covered the following:

Lesson 7

Task 1 - Diary - 'Describe My New Planet!'

Task 2 - Dog Man 2-3 - 'Happy Birthday, Chief'

Task 3 - Book Report - Self-created - 'My New Captain Underpants Book!'

The focus was on:

1) Voice: expression, intonation, punctuation

2) Key / New Vocabulary: translation and synonyms

3) Text Feature: illustrations

4) Read: fluency and comprehension

5) Sentence Structures

6) Instruction Comprehension


Have a wonderful weekend to the whole family and I look forward to seeing James, next Friday. 

My very best regards are with you all, always.

Mr. Grande.

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Dear James' parents,

It is very nice to see the enthusiasm gradually returning to James, during our lessons. He is becoming much more engaged in the lesson activities, and he is reading and speaking with an increasing amount of expression and energy. This is encouraging and very good overall progress. Thank you mom and dad for all your positive support and partnership, in helping James find his way back to joy in his learning, once again. 'Slowly but surely wins the race', as they say.

For today's lesson, we covered the following:

Lesson 6

Task 1 - Diary - 'My Dream Birthday Cake!'

Task 2 - Dog Man 1-5 - 'Penelope's Pets'

Task 3 - Book Report - 'Dog Man 1-5 - Penelope's Pets'

The focus was on:

1) Voice: expression, intonation, punctuation

2) Key / New Vocabulary: translation and synonyms

3) Text Feature: illustrations

4) Read: fluency and comprehension

5) Summarization: key details

6) Descriptive Writing


Have a wonderful weekend to the whole family and I look forward to seeing James, next Friday. 

My very best regards are with you all, always.

Mr. Grande.

[Full Article]

Dear James' parents,

James once again effectively engaged in today's lesson, which is really great news! He enjoys reading Dog Man and he also enjoyed writing a Diary entry. So far, so good, fingers crossed! We even had a chance to play Blooket at the end of today's lesson because he was doing so well in class. He was very happy about that! Thank you for all your support and participation in helping James find his passion and joy in learning once again. 

For today's lesson, we covered the following:

Lesson 5

Task 1 - Diary - Good Times with Friends

Task 2 - Dog Man 1-5 - 'Unleashed'

The focus was on:

1) Voice: expression, intonation, punctuation

2) Key / New Vocabulary: translation and synonyms

3) Text Feature: illustrations

4) Read: fluency and comprehension

5) Sequence Writing: first, second, third


Have a wonderful weekend to the whole family and I look forward to seeing James, next Friday. 

My very best regards are with you all, always.

Mr. Grande.

[Full Article]

Dear James' parents,

James engaged more in today's lesson, which is great news! He enjoyed reading today's Dog Man chapter and he also enjoyed when I was reading to him (it was a very long chapter!). Very good progress today!

For today's lesson, we covered the following:

Lesson 4 - Task 2 - Dog Man 1-4 - 'Weenie Wars - The Franks Awaken!'

The focus was on:

1) Voice: expression, intonation, punctuation

2) Key / New Vocabulary: translation and synonyms

3) Text Feature: illustrations

4) Read: fluency and comprehension


Have a wonderful weekend to the whole family and I look forward to seeing James, next Friday. 

My very best regards are with you all.

Mr. Grande.

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Dear James' parents,

It was very nice to see James today. My focus today was for James to enjoy the lesson by reading Dog Man with me. He still required prompts for him to remain engaged in today's reading but in the end, he said he enjoyed the Chapter we read. That's a good step in the right direction.

We even had time for James to play Blooket at the end of the lesson, which he enjoys, thanks to James' mother. Thank you for your help, James' mother.

Slowly but surely, I hope that we can help James find joy in his English language lessons once again. I know that with all of us focused together on James' well-being and joy of learning, he has a very good chance to find his way back to find joy in learning again. Thank you to everyone involved, for your partnership in this very important learning and life-affirming endeavor. 

We read the following Dog Man lesson:

Lesson 1 - Task 2 - Dog Man 1-1 - 'Book'em'

We focused on the following literacy concepts and strategies:

1) Reading Fluency and Comprehension


Have a wonderful evening and I look forward to seeing James next Friday. 

My very best regards are with the whole family.

Mr. Grande.

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Dear James' parents,

James' did have some challenges with focus and engagement today but he began to exhibit more engagement as the lesson progressed. This is a very good news! As well, thanks goes out to James' mother for her assistance with helping James log into Blooket. He really does enjoy this online game so thank you mom!

For today's lesson, we covered the following:

Lesson 1 - Task 1 - Diary: 'How Are You?'

Lesson 1 - Task 2 - Dog Man 1-1 - 'A Hero is Unleashed'

We focused on the following literacy concepts and strategies:

1) Key Details in Diary writing

2) Sentence Structure and Punctuation

3) Word Choice

4) Identifying Key Details in Text

5) Reading with fluency, comprehension, and expression


Have a wonderful weekend and following week, and I look forward to seeing James next Friday. 

My very best regards are with the whole family.

Mr. Grande.

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For homework for Feb. 14, students were asked to write a few sentences explaining how they could "do good" instead of just "being good" by helping people in their own lives.  We started it in class. 



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