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Book Reading Club - Junior

G3-G6 Book Reading Club

Price 480.00
  1.        Who is Little Portly?  What has happened to him?Little portly is a young child that can't swim,and he is missing.
  2.        What does the Rat hear when he and Mole are searching for Little Portly?  Where is the sound coming from?The rat and the mole hear song and chatter and rustling.The noise is coming from the little population.
  3.        How does Portly react when he is found?Portly react very excited.
  4.        What plan does the gaoler’s daughter propose to Toad?  Why do you think he rejects it at first?The plan is to give toad food to not be thin,I think toad at first reject a plate with meat,rice and cabbage.
  5.        How does Toad escape from prison?Toad escape from prison by the things the gaoler's daughter gave him.
  6.        What horrible discovery does Toad make when he goes to buy a train ticket?He found that his escape would be discovered very soon and the hunt will be up then toad will be back in prison.
  7.        Why does Toad jump off the train on page 93?The engineer sayed that they had no choice but to get toad of the train.
  8.        What do you think is the meaning of the phrase on page 95, “Nature’s Grand Hotel has its Season?”I think it means the hotel is very luxurious.
  9.        Why are the field mice and harvest mice moving and building new homes in Chapter 9?because they do not want to live in homes with horrid machinese begin clicking around the field.
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  1.        Describe the Badger.  What is your impression of him?My impression of him is he is kind.
  2.        What has happened to Toad because of his automobile obsession?Toad ended up in jail because of the obsession.
  3.        What other visitors arrive at the Badger’s house?  Why are they there?
  4.        How do Mole and Rat get out of the Wild Wood?
  5.        Why is Mole crying on page 52?
  6.        Who arrives while the Rat is preparing dinner at Mole’s house?  Why do they come?
  7.        Why do the Badger, the Rat and the Mole go to Toad’s house in Chapter 6?
  8.        How does Toad trick Rat and escape his room?
  9.        How does Toad end up in prison?Toad end up in prison because toad actully stole the automobile.
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  1. How did Mr. Wonka’s square sweets look round?                             They look round probably by tricking the kids into seeing a illusion.
  2. Why did the squirrels leap on Veruca Salt and tap on her head?                     the  squirrels did that because they needed to test if she is a bad nut.
  3. What does Mr. Wonka often eat?  See Chapter 24.                                       Mr.Wonka often eat fish cabbage and fish.
  4. What is Television Chocolate?                television chocolate is a chocolate you can get from Mr.Wonka's television just getting your hand on the chocolate in the television and getting your hand out of the television.
  5. What happens to Mike Teavee in the Television Chocolate room?                  Mike teavee got in to the television after standing in the thingy that makes things small.
  6. Why did Mr. Wonka decide to give the factory to Charlie?                                He decided to do that because the reason was that he let five children to run the factory when he is old, and retired he is not immortal ,and charlie was the only most good boy.
  7. Were you happy with the way the book ended?  If so, why?  If not, what would you have changed?                                                I was happy with the way the book ended because the whole family would become very rich and live in factory ,and have a truckload of candy lasting almost the rest of their lives.
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  1. What is your impression of Willy Wonka when we first meet him in Chapter 14?                                                  my impression is speachless.
  2. Describe the waterfall in the Chocolate Room.  Why is it important?                                                   the waterfall is mixing the chocolate it is important becuase no other factoryuses a waterfall to mix chocolate.
  3. Who are the are Oompa-Loompas?  Why do they work in Mr. Wonka’s factory?                                                   Oompa-loopas are small people they work in mr.wonkas factory because they are the only people who dont send spies.
  4. What happened when Augustus Gloop drank from the chocolate stream?                                                    Augustus Gloop fell in the chocolate stream into the pipe
  5. What is Hair Toffee?  Why isn’t it ready yet?                                               it is not ready yet because mr.wonka got it too strong and good.
  6. Why did the Oompa-Loompas have to bring Violet to the Juicing Room? they have to bring Violet into the juicing room to get the juice out of her.
  7. The Oompa-Loompas sang about one Mrs. Bigelow.  What did she do and what happened to her?            mrs.Bigelow became a blueberry and went to the juicing machines by the oompa loompas.
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  1. What did Prince Pondicherry ask of Willy Wonka?  Describe what Mr. Wonka built for him.                            The prince ask willy wonka for a palace the palace was made out of chocolate not a single thing was made not from chocolate.
  2. Why did Willy Wonka send all his workers home and shut down his factory?  See Chapter 4.                            He did  that because his workers were jealous about his candys so they get spies in the factory looking like ordinary workers and steal his secrets.
  3. What is a Golden Ticket?  Where can someone get one?                                    A golden ticket is a ticket that is inviting someone to willy wonka chocolate fatcory,someone get one in a shop.
  4. Describe Augustus Gloop.                    Augustus Gloop is a greedy child
  5. How did Veruca Salt’s father get her a ticket?                                           Vercura Salt got her ticket by buying all of willy wonka chocolate.
  6. What was strange about Violet Beauregard?                                           voilet  found two golden tickets.
  7. How would you describe Mike Teavee?                                         I will describe Mike as a kid who does nothing but watch tv everyday and has alot of toy guns.
  8. What tragedy happened to the Bucket family in Chapter 10?              The factory Mr.Bucket had work inn was busted
  9. Describe the miracle the happened to Charlie.                               Charlie found the last golden ticket.
  10. How did Grandpa Joe react when Charlie came home with good news in Chapter 12?                        Grandpa joe reacted very happy and finnaly got out of bed and danced
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1.The difference is that concdeince is many things happen at once and destiny is something about the future


2.I think stanley feels sad about his family.I makes me feel normal

3.Stanley and zero feel surpised.

4.I learned the warden did not care of the boys but she just backed away and watched the boys.It doesen't influence my feelings about her.

5.Walker is someones else last name in trout walker,it is important because he was one of them who free stanley.

6. Stanley won't leave hector because it is Stanleys favourite best friend.

7.Stanley had change the course of the story by being  free with zero.I don't think he had a hole in his life.I think he has one now.

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  1. Stanley believes it was his destiny to be hit by those falling shoes.  What’s the difference between coincidence and destiny. 
    There is a GIGANTIC difference between coincidence and destiny. Destiny means it is bound to happen and nothing in the whole world can ever stop it. Coincidence means it could or could not have happened and there would probably be an explanation.
  2. When he hears Zero’s stories, how does Stanley feel about his own family? How do these stories make you feel? 
    When he hears about Zero's stories Stanley feels sad for Zero because he is an orphan and he feels sad that he is at home spending time with his family. He also feels a bit worried for his family because he ran away from camp and hopes that news doesn't spread. Those stories make me feel sad for Zero too. Most importantly it made me grateful that my family is still here.
  3. How do you think Stanley and Zero feel when the Warden confronts them in Chapter 44? 
    At that moment, bost Stanley and Zero must have felt scared. Some other possible feelings they might also have had was being stressed because there is so much pressure and angry because they did all that work for nothing!
  4. What do you learn about the Warden in Chapter 45?  Does it influence your feelings about her? 
     I learn that Warden has actually spent a quarter of her life watching her parents dig holes while the other 3 quarters digging holes herself. I felt really sad for her when I read that like she even had to dig on holidays like Christmas!
  5. The Warden’s name is Walker; who else in the story has the same last name? Why might this be important? 
    I remember reading about this man named Trout Walker throughout the story. I think this might be important because, there is a chance they might be related!
  6. Why won’t Stanley leave the camp without Hector? 
     Stanley won't leave his Zero Hector in the camp because hes Stanley's most best best friend in camp. Zero has gone through a lot of things with Stanley, is very kind and helped him sometimes too! Why would Stanley leave him there? There is even a possibility Zero might get killed in camp with the Warden!
  7. How has Stanley changed in the course of the story?  Do you think Stanley had a “hole” in his life before Camp Green Lake?  Does he have one now? 
    Stanley has changed a whole lot in the course of the story! By going to Camp Green Lake he has become stronger physically and mentally. For example, Stanley can now lift a boy like Zero up a mountain or hill! He has also become less sensitive to bullying. I think Stanley had a BIG hole before Camp Green Lake. Camp Green Lake has actually helped him a lot! (as said before) Now Stanley doesn't have a as big hole than last time!
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  1. Stanley believes it was his destiny to be hit by those falling shoes.  What’s the difference between coincidence and destiny. 
     There is a super big difference between coincedence and destiny. Destiny means you can't control it and it just happens for the future, but coincedence means there is an explanation for that it could have or could not have happened.
  2. When he hears Zero’s stories, how does Stanley feel about his own family? How do these stories make you feel? 
    Stanley felt scared and worried about his family. He imagined them crying and hugging eachother because they were told Stanley ran away from camp and died. These stories make me feel greatful for my family and I am glad they are still here to help me!
  3. How do you think Stanley and Zero feel when the Warden confronts them in Chapter 44? 
    I think Stanley and Zero felt angry, sad and frightened because The Warden caught them red-handed and they did all that work for nothing.
  4. What do you learn about the Warden in Chapter 45?  Does it influence your feelings about her? 
    I learned that the Warden was use to digging holes because she grew up watching and digging holes. I felt a bit sad for The Warden when I read that.
  5. The Warden’s name is Walker; who else in the story has the same last name? Why might this be important? 
      I remember there was someone called Trout Walker that has the same last name. This might be important because those 2 characters might be related! 
  6. Why won’t Stanley leave the camp without Hector? 
     Stanley won't leave camp without Hector because Hector/ Zero has been so kind, done so much for him and is his friend! Why would Stanley leave Zero there to get punished or possibly killed by The Warden!
  7. How has Stanley changed in the course of the story?  Do you think Stanley had a “hole” in his life Camp Green Lake?  Does he have one now?  
     Yes, Stanley has changed a lot in the course of the story and now he has become a lot stronger, physically and mentally. Stanley has had a big hole in his life before Camp Green Lake and going to that camp actually helped him do a very helpful thing. He lifted the curse on his family and made more friends! Now he doesn't have that giant hole he had before. 
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1. I think the boys approve of Stanley and Zero's arrangement,because Zero has to dig a half and Stanley has to dig a half.

2. I think it was Stanley imagination and when he rubbed his eyes he was still imaginating it.

3. I think stanley keep going to see if there was any water or, keep going to see if it is real or, he was just blind and I was just joking on 3rd sugestion.

4. Stanley learned that his right hand was turning into a fist his eyes went from the mountain to his hand,then back from the mountain.

5. I think Stanley called Zero Hector because did Zero did mistakes when Stanley said the words splitted.

6. ,I have attempted a thing that was impossible ,I did'nt aproach it,it was digging a hole to china.I did not know how much days it will take while digging.

7. Stanley was surpised to find a sack of jars and the sovel so far down the mountain because he thought it rolled down the mountain

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Why don’t the other boys approve of Stanley and Zero’s arrangement? Do you think it is fair to both boys? 
The other boys don't approve of Stanley and Zero's arrangement because Stanley only has to dig the half of day when the sun has not risen yet, but Zero has to dig the rest of his hole when the sun is up. I think it is pretty fair because Zero also has a good side. He learns how to read and write! Plus, Zero likes digging holes. 
 2. What do you think is the significance of Stanley’s vision of the giant thumb? 
He would most likely be hallucinating but their is a chance of survival. It might have a source of water in it. I mean, it saved Stanley's grandfather.
3. In Chapter 34, when Stanley sees the Big Thumb, "[H]e kept walking toward it, although he didn't know why." Why do you think Stanley keeps going? 
I think Stanley keeps going out of curiosity and need. That is his only chance of survival! He is probably just too de-hydrated to think but he go's there cause their is a very little chance of having water there. 
4. What does Stanley learn about himself as they climb the mountain? What does he learn about Zero? 
Stanley learned that he, himself is not scared of death but scared about his parents in the event of his death. Stanley also learns that Zero is really helpful and kind when Zero cuts his hands really deep on the metal blade of the shovel, just to help Stanley. 
5. Why do you think Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector in Chapter 37? 
I think Stanley called Zero Hector to wake him up. Did you know Hector means to talk to someone in a bulying way? Well, I think that id what Stanley was trying to do. He was trying to get Zero to wake up at the sound of that. 
6. "[Stanley] though only about each step, and not the umpossible task that lay before him." Have you ever attempted anything that seemed imposible? How did you approach it? What did you learn from the experience? 

 Yes I have attempted something that seemed impossible. It was riding my bike when I was little. At first I got on and just kicked off and started pedaling like maybe if I go over it fast I'd learn it, but no I was wrong because the second I even put my feet on the pedals I fell heavely. The next day, I took it slowly and finally learned how to glide. Sooner I got closer and closer until I actually did it! I learned that nothing is imposible if you don't try or think hard about it.

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  1. Why don’t the other boys approve of Stanley and Zero’s arrangement? Do you think it is fair to both boys? 
    The other boys don't approve of Stanley and Zero's arrangement because they think it is not fair. Stanley teaches Zero how to read and write, but Stanley digs half of his hole when the sun is not out yet and then Zero digs the other half of his hole when the sun is out. 
  2. What do you think is the significance of Stanley’s vision of the giant thumb? 
     It's important to Stanley because the giant thumb is his only hope of finding water.
  3. In Chapter 34, when Stanley sees the Big Thumb, “[H]e kept walking toward it, although he didn’t know why.” Why do you think Stanley keeps going? 
    I think Stanley keeps goin toward it because he feels like there will be water over there and the big thumb encourages him even more. He might even find Zero on the way.
  4. What does Stanley learn about himself as they climb the mountain? What does he learn about Zero?  
    When they climbed the mountain Stanley learned that he has gotten stonger through out the days he has dug holes.
  5. Why do you think Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector in Chapter 37?  
    I think Staney was trying to wake Zero up when he called Zero Hector because Zero suddenely fell. Did you know Hector means to talk to someone in a bullying way? That is why Stanley called Zero Hector, because he wanted to get Zero mad.
  6. “[Stanley] thought only about each step, and not the impossible task that lay before him.” Have you ever attempted anything that seemed impossible? How did you approach it? What did you learn from the  experience? 
    Yes I have attempted something that seemed impossible. It was riding my bike when I was little. At first I got on and just kicked off and started pedaling like maybe if I go over it fast I'd learn it, but no I was wrong because the second I even put my feet on the pedals I fell heavely. The next day, I took it slowly and finally learned how to glide. Sooner I got closer and closer until I actually did it! I learned that nothing is imposible if you don't try. 
  7. Why is Stanley surprised to find the sack of jars and the shovel so far down the mountain? 
    Stanley was surprised to find the sack of jars and the shovel that far down the mountain because he thought he never could have carried Zero that far up the mountain.
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  1. What does Stanley gain when he agrees to help X-Ray? What does he lose? 
    Stanley gains respect from all the boys at Camp Green Lake, he also gets to move up the line when it is time to fill their canteens. Stanley loses everything he finds and has to give it to X-Ray, so Stanley will never get a break.
  2. Were you surprised to discover that the Warden is a woman? What else do you find out about the Warden in this chapter? 
     I was very surprised because I know Warden is an unusual name and it means the person in charge of a prison. 
  3. Can you think of some reasons why Zero might not be familiar with any nursery rhymes or the show “Sesame Street”? 
     Zero is not familiar with any nursery rhymes or the show Sesame Street because he doesn't know how to read or write.
  4. What does Stanley find out about Zigzag in Chapter 17? 
     Stanley finds out that Zigzag doesn't like people putting their dirt in the place where he has to dig in. It's like people are giving their trash to him and he has to clean it up.
  5. Why does Stanley tell Mr. Sir that he stole the sunflower seeds?  What would you have done? 
    Stanley tells Mr. Sir that he stole the sunflower seeds because he was trying to cover up for the other boys. I would have quickly pick up the sunflower seeds closest to the top of the dirt pile and put them in my pocket.
  6. The Warden does not raise her voice, and she usually speaks inseemingly polite phrases. What makes her so menacing? 
    The Warden is so menacing because she has a very scary tone when she speaks and since she is the Warden she has great power and tons of threats, so nothing can stand in her way.
  7. Why do you think Zero finishes Stanley’s hole in Chapter 21? 
    Zero finishes Stanley's hole because he felt bad for Stanley since he took the blame for the sunflower seeds, and Zero knew Stanley wasn't actually the one that stole the sunflower seeds.
  8. Based on the facts the author gives you in Chapter 26, can you answer the question, “Whom did God punish?” 
     Based on the facts the author gave me, I think God punished all the people in the town of Green Lake because not one drop of rain has ever fell again.
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1 I think the boys don't approve of stanley and zero's arrangement,beacuse zero is the last at group d and always to be the first one finish.I think it is not fair to both of the boys.

3 I think stanley keeps going to take a more closer look or, keep going to see if it is real.

4 Stanley learned that his right hand was truning into a fist.his eyes went from the mountain to his hand,then back from the mountain.

5 I think Stanley calls zero hector beacuse zero can't say the words that slanley split the letters by putting spaces in between them.

6 I have attempted a thing that seemed impossible,I did'nt aproach it I learned that it will take more days than I thought.

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  1. What does Stanley gain when he agrees to help X-Ray? What does he lose? 
      Stanley's advantage                    but, the disadvantage is that anything he finds, he has to show it to X-Ray.
  2. Were you surprised to discover that the Warden is a woman? What else do you find out about the Warden in this chapter? 
    Yeah, I was really surprised that the Warden was a woman. I always thought the Warden was a man because that name is an unusual name for females.  
  3. Can you think of some reasons why Zero might not be familiar with any nursery rhymes or the show “Sesame Street”? 
     1 reason is his Zero's family might not have had a TV so they couldn't watch Sesame Street and nursery rhymes. Another reason that I think is most unlikely, is that Zero doesn't know how to read so he can't read nursery rhymes.
  4. What does Stanley fin out about Zigzag in Chapter 17? 
    Stanley finds out that Zigzag doesn't like other peoples dirt on the place he has to dig in, like people are giving garbage for him to do more work, and he HATES that.
  5. Why does Stanley tell Mr. Sir that he stole the sunflower seeds?  What would you have done? 
    I don't know the first part of this question. I would have put the sunflower seeds in my pile then cover it with some dirt. Then it would look like I am having a hard time digging and the other dirt in the pile would have no sunflower seeds. That is how I would trick Mr. Sir.
  6. The Warden does not raise her voice, and she usually speaks inseemingly polite phrases. What makes her so menacing? 
     It's because she has this kind of special nail polish that's made out of rattle snake venom, when it is dry, it's normal and when it gets wet then it is toxic. If she gets angry and wipes it on someone then it becomes very painful. 
  7. Why do you think Zero finishes Stanley’s hole in Chapter 21? 
     I think Zero finishes Stanley's hole because he felt bad for him, you know he actually didn't steal the sunflower seeds and was just covering up for the other boys.
  8. Based on the facts the author gives you in Chapter 26, can you answer the question, “Whom did God punish?” 
    Based on the facts the author gave me I think God punished everyone that lived in Green Lake because not one drop of rain has fallen so the people would have just died of thirst.
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  1. In Chapter 3, Stanley’s father, an inventor, says, “I learn from failure.” What do you think this means? Have you ever learned from failure?          If Stanley's father is an inventer, he most likely has invented tons of things but also had a lot of failures. I think'' I learn from failure means to get something wrong but you learn what you did wrong and correct it. I have learned from failure before. Once, in a spelling test I got 1 word wrong. Then I looked at the solution and found out what I did wrong.
  2. Why do the boys call Mr. Pendanski “Mom”? Does this nickname suit him? 
      I think the boys call Mr. Pendanski ''Mom" because she has a very big heart. I honestly don't think the name suits him because he is a man not a woman.   
  3. Why don’t the boys believe Stanley when he tells them he stole the sneakers?  
      The boys don't believe Stanley when he said he stole the sneakers because Stanley does look like a nice gentle person and those are shoes from a very famous person.
  4. What does Stanley learn from digging his first hole? Why do you think he feels proud when his hole is finished? 
     Stanley learns that digging a 5 feet deep and wide hole is very hard. He also learns that when you are actually through the surface it is a bit more easier. I think Stanley feels proud when his hole is finally finished because it was very hard to dig that hole and he put a lot of effort in it.   
  5.  How do you feel about the nickname X-Ray gives Stanley? Do you have a nickname? If so, how did you get it? 
    I don't really like the nickname too much because it sounds a bit mean but he is the biggest in the group and he is a bit unkept.
  6. Why do the boys always line up for water in the same order?  What’s the significance to this order? 
    I think the boys always line up for water in the same order because there is a pattern. I think the significance to this order is first the leader. [which is X-Ray] Then the people that are most trustful and loyal to the leader. 
  7. Mr. Pendanski tells Stanley, "You messed up your life, and it's up to you fix it." Do you agree with this? 
      I don't really agree with it because Stanley actually didn't even do anything. Mr. Pendanski just doesn't know about the curse Stanley's great-great grandfather gave the Yelnats family. That is why Staley keeps poping up in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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I can't get the intier scan inside my computer. How am I gonna submit my homework?

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  1. Why does Opal's father want her to apologize to Stevie Dewberry?                                    Opal's father wants her to apologize to Stevie Dewberry because it actually isn't nice to call him a bald baby even if he is mean sometimes. That probably just means that he is having trouble making friends. Second, he is true. Opal should play a bit more with kids her own age.
  2. How did Otis say that Littmus Lozenge tasted to him?              Otis said the Littmus Lozenge tasted like being back in jail.
  3. What did Gloria Dump say Opal had to do before she would agree to the party?          Gloria told Opal to invite the Dewberry brothers to the party before she would agree.
  4. What did Otis bring to the party?                                      Otis brought pickles to the party.         
  5. Why did Amanda suggest that they go inside in Chapter 22?                                                      
  6.  Why did Sweetie Pie say Winn-Dixie couldn't be lost?       Sweetie Pie said Winn=-Dixie couldn't be lost because Winn-Dixie is a very smart dog.                                                        
  7.  What was the real reason Opal was so upset when her father said they had to give up the search? 
      Opal was upset when her father said they had to give up the search because Winn-Dixie was very important to her. She was so worried.
  8.  Where had Winn-Dixie been hiding? Why?                              Winn-Dixie had been hiding under the bed because she is so scared of thunder storms.
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i need to do voice recorder but can't enable the microphone of it

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  1. Why does Opal's father want her to apologize to Stevie Dewberry?                                    Opal's father wants her to apologize to Stevie Dewberry because it actually isn't nice to call him a bald baby even if he is mean sometimes. That probably just means that he is having trouble making friends. Second, he is true. Opal should play a bit more with kids her own age.
  2. How did Otis say that Littmus Lozenge tasted to him?              Otis said the Littmus Lozenge tasted like being back in jail.
  3. What did Gloria Dump say Opal had to do before she would agree to the party?          Gloria told Opal to invite the Dewberry brothers to the party before she would agree.
  4. What did Otis bring to the party?                                      Otis brought pickles to the party.         
  5. Why did Amanda suggest that they go inside in Chapter 22?                                                      
  6.  Why did Sweetie Pie say Winn-Dixie couldn't be lost?       Sweetie Pie said Winn=-Dixie couldn't be lost because Winn-Dixie is a very smart dog.                                                        
  7.  What was the real reason Opal was so upset when her father said they had to give up the search? 
      Opal was upset when her father said they had to give up the search because Winn-Dixie was very important to her. She was so worried.
  8.  Where had Winn-Dixie been hiding? Why?                              Winn-Dixie had been hiding under the bed because she is so scared of thunder storms.
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