lesson 1
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Dear Siyuan's parents,

Siyuan was a little tired today especially after a long week of EQAO testing. He said that the Math tests were challenging. Hopefully, he did well with the Language tests.

Good luck with all of your EQAO results, Siyuan!

For today's lesson, we reviewed Siyuan's homework, in detail.  

We covered the following literacy concepts and strategies:

1) Continued printing letter accuracy strategies

2) Dictionary Usage: comprehension of key / new vocabulary in homework or tests

3) Test-taking strategies:

a) Reading: reread, context clues, key vocabulary, and comprehension

b) Punctuation: commas

c) Capital letters for titles

d) Verb Tenses: uniform very tense (past, present, or future) throughout a writing sample


For HOMEWORK, can Siyuan please independently complete the following:

Lesson 30 - U2W5 - May 31 - Homework - Weekly Test

Thank you.


Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing Siyuan next Friday. 

My very best regards are with the entire family, as always.

Mr. Grande


Dear Siyuan's parents,

Siyuan had another very productive and positive lesson today. He is becoming very adept and proficient with the use of his anchor charts, which is very effectively supporting his Language learning. 

Wonderful hard work today, Siyuan! Very well done.

For today's lesson, we reviewed Siyuan's anchor charts and we also covered Lesson 29 - Task 1 - U2L10 - In Class - I Want to Ride!  

We covered the following literacy concepts and strategies:

1) Pre-reading strategies: prediction, identification, text-to-self and text-to-world connections

2) Key / New vocabulary: definitions, homonyms, homographs, homophones, antonyms, and synonyms

3) Reading strategies: context clues, text features, fluency, and comprehension

4) Genre: Realistic Fiction

5) Possessive Nouns

6) Dictionary Usage strategies


For HOMEWORK, can Siyuan please complete the following:

Lesson 29 - Task 2 - U2L10 - Homework - Grammar

Thank you.


Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing Siyuan next Friday. 

My very best regards are with the whole family, as always.

Mr. Grande


Dear Siyuan's parents,

Siyuan once again worked very hard throughout today's lesson. We spent all of today's class reviewing Siyuan's homework and addressing the learning gaps of knowledge he has. He did well overall in understanding the new knowledge I was teaching him. Really good hard work today, Siyuan.

Siyuan's parents: It would be very helpful for Siyuan's learning success to have access to an online dictionary at home (Dictionary.com is my recommendation). Siyuan says he does not have access to the internet for dictionary usage.

His homework is challenging for him because he does not understand important key vocabulary, which affects his overall homework understanding and learning. This includes his weekly tests which are crucial for him to do well with as it directly relates to his test-taking success at school.

Thank you very much for your strong support of Siyuan's learning success.

For today's lesson, we reviewed Siyuan's homework in great detail and we also reviewed his anchor charts.

We did not have enough time to cover Lesson 28 - Task 1 - U2L9 - In Class - By Leaps and Bounds.  

We covered the following learning gaps of knowledge:

1) Test-taking strategies:

a) Multiple-choice questions

b) Short Answer questions

c) Context Clues

d) Text Evidence (page, paragraph, sentence)

e) Key / New vocabulary

f) Dictionary Usage

2) Possessive Nouns: 6 Rules


For HOMEWORK, can Siyuan please independently complete the following:

Lesson 27 - U2W4 - May 17 - Homework - Weekly Test

Thank you.


Have a wonderful long weekend and I look forward to seeing Siyuan next Friday.

Enjoy your fireworks (Siyuan said he can't wait for the fireworks!).

My very best regards are with the entire family, as always.

Mr. Grande


Dear Siyuan's parents,

Siyuan had an excellent lesson today. I challenged him to answer many literacy concepts that we've covered so far in his lessons. By effectively using his anchor chart binder and his notebook, he was able to answer ALL my challenges correctly! Really great work today, Siyuan.

For today's lesson, we reviewed Siyuan's anchor charts and we also covered Lesson 26 - Task 1 - U2L8 - In Class - The Riddle of the Drum.  

We covered the following literacy concepts and strategies:

1) Pre-reading strategies: prediction, identification, text-to-self and text-to-world connections

2) Key / New vocabulary: definitions, parts of speech, and synonyms

3) Reading strategies: fluency, context clues, text features, and comprehension

4) Genre: Folktale

5) Theme

6) Text Features

7) Figurative Language

8) Dictionary Usage: synonyms, parts of speech, and definitions


For HOMEWORK, can Siyuan please complete the following:

Lesson 26 - Task 2 - U2L8 - Homework - Grammar

Thank you.


Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing Siyuan next Friday. 

My very best regards are with the entire family, as always.

Mr. Grande


Dear Siyuan's parents,

Siyuan worked hard today trying to understand the challenging Grammar concepts (see * below), that he is just beginning to develop comprehension of. We will continue to work on these concepts throughout his future lessons. Thank you.

For today's lesson, we reviewed Siyuan's Grammar homework and his anchor chart binder. We also covered Lesson 25 - Task 1 - U2L7 - In Class - Carving Out a Plan.  

We covered the following literacy concepts and strategies:

1) Pre-reading strategies: prediction, identification, text-to-self and text-to-world connections

2) Key / New vocabulary: definitions and synonyms

3) Reading strategies: context clues, text features, and comprehension

4) Genre: Folktale

5) Figurative Language: personification

*6) Punctuation Marks - Usage: commas, apostrophes, and periods

*7) Possessive Nouns

*8) Collective Nouns

*9) Irregular Nouns: singular/plural


For HOMEWORK, can Siyuan please independently complete the following:

Lesson 24 - U2W3 - Apr 26 - Homework - Weekly Test

Thank you.


Have a wonderful week and I look forward to seeing Siyuan next Friday. 

My very best regards are with the entire family, as always.

Mr. Grande


Dear Siyuan's parents,

Once again, Siyuan worked hard throughout today's lesson. He was engaged and motivated to understand all of  the literacy knowledge I taught today and he did very well. Really great job today, Siyuan!

For today's lesson, we reviewed Siyuan's anchor chart binder and his homework, in great detail. We also covered some of Lesson 23 - Task 1 - U2L6 - In Class - Norman Borlaug and the Green Revolution.  

We covered the following literacy concepts and strategies:

1) Context Clues

2) Key / New vocabulary: definitions and synonyms

3) Reading strategies: context clues and comprehension

4) Text Evidence Citations

5) Hamburger Paragraph strategy

6) Printing: letter structure improvement strategies

7) Greek and Latin Roots


For HOMEWORK, can Siyuan please complete the following:

Lesson 23 - Task 2 - U2L6 - Homework - Grammar

Thank you.


Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing Siyuan next Friday. 

My very best regards are with the entire family, as always.

Mr. Grande


Dear Siyuan's parents,

Siyuan had another strong lesson today. He was actively engaged and participated very well overall.

I am very proud of Siyuan. He is working very hard with his printing improvement skills and with his neatness of his work (using a ruler and a compass). Fantastic! Keep up the great work, Siyuan!

For today's lesson, we reviewed Siyuan's homework and we also covered Lesson 22 - Task 1 - U2L5 - In Class - Nature in Focus.  

We covered the following literacy concepts and strategies:

1) Pre-reading strategies: prediction, identification, text-to-self and text-to-world connections

2) Key / New vocabulary: definitions and synonyms (online dictionary)

3) Reading strategies: fluency, context clues, text features, and comprehension

4) Genre: Biography

5) Further Printing Improvement strategies

6) Nouns: uncountable, common, and proper

7) Graphic Organizer: mind map / idea web

8) Text Features: subtitle/subheading, bold text, highlighted text, label, illustration, diagram


For HOMEWORK, can Siyuan please independently complete the following:

Lesson 21 - U2W2 - Apr 05 - Homework - Weekly Test

Thank you.


Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing Siyuan next Friday. 

My very best regards are with the entire family, as always.

Mr. Grande


Dear Siyuan's parents,

Once again, Siyuan worked very hard throughout today's lesson. He needed to write a significant amount of information into his notebook; in order to reinforce his learned knowledge and to practice his printing improvement. He did very well and achieved a Level 4+ for his in-class work efforts. Really well done today, Siyuan. Keep up your really hard work and continuous improvement in knowledge communication, especially in your writing/printing. 

For today's lesson, we reviewed Siyuan's homework, identified areas for improvement, and we also covered some of Lesson 20 - Task 1 - U2L4 - In Class - The Talking Eggs.  

We covered the following literacy concepts and strategies:

1) Pre-reading strategies: prediction, identification, text-to-self and text-to-world connections

2) Key / New vocabulary: definitions and synonyms

3) Reading strategies: context clues, text features, and comprehension

4) Genre: Fairy Tale (Folktale)

5) Capital Letters vs lower case letters

6) Cause and Effect: definition and identification

7) Figurative Language: simile

8) Compare and Contrast (Venn Diagram): definition and identification

9) Hamburger Paragraph: topic sentence and detail sentence

10) Printing Focus strategies

11) Context Clue strategies

12) Text Features: table of contents


For HOMEWORK, can Siyuan please complete the following:

Lesson 20 - Task 2 - U2L4 - Homework - Grammar

Thank you.


Have a wonderful long weekend to the whole family and I look forward to seeing Siyuan next Friday. 

My very best regards are with the entire family, as always.

Mr. Grande


Dear Siyuan's parents,

Siyuan had an excellent English language lesson today! He worked very hard. He was fully engaged and active throughout the lesson. He followed my instructions very well and he was very polite and respectful. Siyuan is a joy for me to teach. Really well done today, Siyuan!

For today's lesson, we reviewed Siyuan's Printing homework and we worked on organizing his Homework binder and his Anchor Chart binder. We also covered Lesson 19 - Task 1 - U2L3 - In Class - Search High and Low.  

We covered the following literacy concepts and strategies:

1) Pre-reading strategies: prediction, identification, text-to-self and text-to-world connections

2) Key / New vocabulary: definitions and synonyms

3) Reading strategies: context clues, text features, and comprehension

4) Genre: Fairy Tales (Folktales)

5) Compare and Contrast (Venn Diagrams: 2-Circle and 3-Circle)

6) Cause and Effect: make predictions

7) Figurative Language

8) Context Clues


For HOMEWORK, can Siyuan please independently complete the following:

1Lesson 18 - U2W1 - Mar 22 - Homework - Weekly Test

2) REDO his Printing Sheets to match the excellent printing from his Master sheet that he worked on today.

Please submit all of Siyuan's homework and please contact Ms.Ling if you are having difficulty with submitting Siyuan's homework.

Thank you so much.


Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing Siyuan next Friday. 

My very best regards are with the entire family, as always.

Mr. Grande


Dear Siyuan's parents,

Even though Siyuan is on his March Break, he quickly became engaged and successful in his language learning lesson today. He worked hard. Great work today, Siyuan.

I would like to ask you for your assistance. Siyuan needs a few more class materials for our lessons (plastic page protectors, white-out tape, multi-coloured pens, post-it notes, and binder dividers). 

I have asked Siyuan to give you his list of class materials that he does not have and hopefully you can take him to Dollarama, if you have a moment. 

I would very much appreciate your support and assistance with his request.

Thank you very much for all your help!

For today's lesson, we reviewed Siyuan's anchor charts. We also reviewed his homework and strategies for schoolwork/homework improvement and success.

We covered the following literacy concepts and strategies:

1) Proofreading Marks

2) Reading/Literary Genres

3) Text Features

4) Printing Practice

5) Context Clues

6) Online Dictionary strategies

7) Neatness: quality improvement of schoolwork/homework

8) 'Hamburger' Paragraph Writing


For HOMEWORK, can Siyuan please complete the following:

1) Lesson 17 - Task 2 - U2L2 - Homework - Grammar

2) Complete 10 Letter Formation Chart worksheets: Handwriting Improvement

Thank you.


Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing Siyuan next Friday. 

My very best regards are with the entire family, as always.

Mr. Grande


Dear Siyuan's parents,

It was very nice to see Siyuan again. He worked very hard throughout today's lesson. He was engaged and motivated to succeed in the literacy knowledge exercises I administered and he succeeded! Really great job today, Siyuan.

For today's lesson, we reviewed lesson expectations and we also covered Lesson 16 - Task 1 - U2L1 - In Class - A Stitch in Time.  

We covered the following literacy concepts and strategies:

1) Pre-reading strategies: prediction, identification, text-to-self and text-to-world connections

2) Key / New vocabulary: definitions and synonyms (online dictionary usage)

3) Reading strategies: context clues, fluency, and comprehension

4) Capital Letters for Titles

5) Mind Map / Idea Web: Problem Solving

6) Graphic Organizer: usage

7) Lesson Focus: classwork and homework - neatness and detail


For HOMEWORK, can Siyuan please complete the following:

Lesson 16 - Task 2 - U2L1 - Homework - Phonics/Spelling

Thank you.


Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing Siyuan next Friday. 

My very best regards are with the entire family, as always.

Mr. Grande



IELTS teacher



