Dear Serena and Serena's parents,
Thank you all so very much for the wonderful Christmas package Hitomi and I received. It is absolutely lovely: so thoughtful and kind. It has made our day, our week, our month, our Christmas! Wonderful! Thank you.
For today's lesson, Serena and I reviewed her homework as well as her Anchor Chart binder. We also covered Lesson 19 - Task 1 - U6L9 - The Drum.
We covered the following literacy concepts:
1) Pre-reading strategies: text-to-self and text-to-world connections
2) Key / New vocabulary
3) Reading strategies: Rhythm, Meter, Rhyme, Articulation, and Enunciation
4) Literary Elements for Poetry: Rhythm, Meter, Rhyme, Stanza, Imagery, Personification, and Metaphor
5) Figurative Language: Personification and Metaphor
6) Point of View: Author and Narrator
7) Genre: Poetry - Free Verse
8) Poetry Analysis strategies
p.s.: Serena said that she could not find some of the poetry related Anchor Charts in her binder. Can you please review that the Anchor Charts that were emailed to you, are in her binder? My apologies for the trouble this may cause.
Also, Serena's Anchor Chart binder is getting so thick and heavy for her. Maybe a second binder might be needed or remove older Anchor Charts that Serena no longer needs. It's a very good exercise work-out for her, lifting it during every lesson, my goodness, lol. Thank you.
For HOMEWORK, can Serena please independently complete the following:
Lesson 19 - Task 2 - U6L9 - Homework - Weekly Test
Thank you.
Here is my proposed Lesson Plan for Fri.Nov.25th:
Lesson 20 - Task 1 - U6L10 - Your Turn
[HW - Lesson 20 - Task 2 - U6L10 - Homework - Literacy]
Thank you once again.
Have a wonderful weekend to the whole family and I look forward to seeing Serena next Friday.
My very best regards are with the entire family, as always.
Mr. Grande.