Close Reading - Junior
价格 480.00

Meg gets mad very easily because as soon as a boy said "dumb baby brother", Meg got in a big fight with him. This shows that whenever someone makes a comment about her family being bad, Meg will defend her family. So, Meg is also very protective of her family, and is sensitive about being called weird.

  1. How does Meg feel about her family?


Meg feels sad because her father is away on a secret and dangerous mission and can't hear from him.

Meg is sad about her dad being gone

Meg cares about Charles to an unhealthy extent; protective to the point of physically assaulting anyone who has anything bad to say about Charles

Meg feels incredibly insecure and obsessed with her own appearance, especially when comparing herself with Mrs. Murry. While Meg does love and admire her for being a beautiful and fantastic parent, she also feels very envious of her mother’s beauty and, to an extent, even hates her for it. 


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  1. How is Charles Wallace different from most five-year-olds?


I think Charles Wallace is smarter and could read books others can’t.

Charles Wallace began to speak with none of the usual baby preliminaries .

  1. Why do the twins think Meg has so much trouble at school?


The twins think Meg has so much trouble at school because she got her blouse torn and a big bruise under one eye.

  1. What does Mrs. Who say to Meg that lets us know that something is about to happen?


I think Mrs. Who says “Now go home, the time is not ripe yet

Mrs. Who says "The time is not yet ripe. Don’t worry, we won’t go without you. Get plenty of food and rest." to let Meg know that something is about to happen.

  1. How is Calvin’s home life different from Meg’s? How is his school life different from Meg’s?


Calvin's home life is different from Meg's because he doesn't enjoy being there. Calvin's school life is different from Meg's because they are in different grades.


  • Listen very closely to what Calvin has to say about his own family and his limited interactions with them

  • Also focus closely on how Calvin interacts with Meg’s family and what he has to say about them



  1. What does Mrs. Murry mean when she says, “Just because we don’t understand doesn’t mean that the explanation doesn’t exist.”


I think it means like there is always a solution to problems

Mrs. Murry means that she believes that there is an explanation to everything, and that just because we can't understand something doesn't mean that there is no explanation.

frenzied - adj. affected with or marked by frenzy or mania uncontrolled by reason; excessively agitated; transported with rage or other violent emotion

lash - noun leather strip that forms the flexible part of a whip; a quick blow delivered with a whip or whiplike object; any of the short curved hairs that grow from the edges of the eyelids; verb bind with a rope, chain, or cord; lash or flick about sharply; strike as if by whipping; beat severely with a whip or rod

wraith - noun a mental representation of some haunting experience

scornful - adj. expressing extreme contempt

delinquent - adj. past due; not paid at the scheduled time; persistently bad; guilty of a minor misdeed; failing in what duty requires; noun a young offender

grim - adj. not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty; shockingly repellent; inspiring horror; causing dejection; characterized by hopelessness; filled with gloom; harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance; harshly ironic or sinister




