Singapore Math - G5
价格 400.00

Jan. 24

Took up homework, and continued to work through the word problems. Homework is #8-15 in the word problems.   Some of these we have done in class, but it will be useful to know if she can reproduce the solutions on her own, especially #10--the guess and check question. 


Jan. 21

Started word problems, and took up a couple of the questions from the homework that Yifan had trouble with. 


Jan. 17

continued to work through logical patterns and "shortcuts" to multiple digit multiplication and division. 


January 14th--worked on mental math strategies of splitting a 2 digit number into tens and ones and multiplying them separately, or rounding up a 2 digit number and then subtracting the groups that were rounded up. 



Yifan is doing a great job with the multi digit multiplication and division.  I think the best use of her time will be to move through the calculations quickly, and spend more time on the word problems.  



Jan. 7th

Today we continued to work on multi digit multiplication.  Yifan has mastered it and was able to do even 4 digit by 3 digit problems flawlessly, so we moved on to division.  Depending on how she does with the homework, we may move on from division quickly as well--though Yifan told me she's a little unsure of long division techniques, so we might spend a little more time here. 



January 3rd. 


We started two digit by two digit multiplication today.  Yifan should do the homework using both of the techniques we learned today so that she can use them to check her work and to learn both techniques. 


December 17th

Yifan is struggling with the idea of writing the question out as an equation with variables.  She is trying to memorize the order of the operations we do, instead of striving for a deeper understanding of replacing the words in the question with variables in an equation, so we went over a couple of her homework questions and talked about defining variables first, or using the unit strategy.  We also reviewed the guess and check strategy. 


December 13th

We worked on questions with three variables, and practiced substituting variables for their equalities to solve for a single variable. For homework, Yifan agreed to do questions 10, 11,and 12 (all questions we have solved once in class).  



December 6th

We redid question 6 using a "guess and check" method that avoids some of the heavy algebra from the first solution , and which Yifan prefers.  We worked on a few others

For homework, Yifan should continue with questions 10-14, and keep track of the questions she felt successful with, vs, the ones she struggled with, and we will continue to work through them. 




November 29th--homework--reproduce the solutions we did together for questions 2-6 pages 12 and 13



November 22nd--


November 15th, 




November 12th, 2021









October 25 homework--see if you can reproduce the solutions for questions 6 and 10 the way we did them in class, using pictures, numbers, and words. 



October 22--Homework--redo the practice questions, ensuring that each answer has a diagram, a number sentence, and a written answer.  USE THE UNIT STRATEGY TAUGHT IN THIS LESSON. 







