ANEE English - G3
价格 375.00

Dear parents,

For today's lesson, we worked on Lesson 10, Task 2 (Your Turn).

We covered the following literary concepts:

1) Key Vocabulary

2) Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer

3) Comprehension & Fluency

4) Genre/Text Features

4) Multiple-Meaning Words - Homonyms

For homework, can your children, please complete all or some of the following and then submit before our next class:

1) Lesson 10, Task 2 (Your Turn) 

- Complete then Submit

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend to the whole family.

Mr. Grande.


Dear parents,

For today's lesson, we worked on Lesson 10, Task 2 (Your Turn).

We covered the following literary components:

1) Key Vocabulary

2) Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer

3) Homonyms - Multiple Meaning Words

For homework, can your children, please complete all or some of the following and then submit before our next class:

1) Lesson 10, Task 2 (Your Turn) 

- Complete then Submit

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend to the whole family.

Mr. Grande.


Dear parents,

We completed Lesson 13, Task 1 in class today.

For homework, to the best of their ability, can your children please complete the following Lesson 13, Task 2, activities:

1) Read Only - p.66-75.

2) Complete - 'Cause and Effect: p.77' and 'Metaphors: p.79'.

3) 'My Wonder's Dictionary' - one or two word entry.

Thank you and have a very good evening.

Mr. Grande.


Dear parents,

For today's lesson (Lesson 13 - Task 1 - May 06 - R&W (G3U6W4), we covered the following literacy concepts:

1) Pre-reading strategies

2) Key Vocabulary

3) Reading strategies

4) New Words

5) Compare & Contrast

6) Genre: Expository/Informational Text


For HOMEWORK, can your children please INDEPENDENTLY complete the following:

1) Lesson 12- May 06 - Weekly Test

2) Lesson 13 - Task 02 - May 06 - Spelling Practice

Thank you.


Have a wonderful weekend to the whole family. 

Very best regards,

Mr. Grande


­­­­­­­­­­Dear parents,

For today's lesson, we worked on Lesson 11, Task 2 (Grammar).

We covered the following literary concepts:

1) Main Verbs

2) Helping Verbs

3) Quotation Marks

4) Punctuation (e.g., commas, question marks, exclamation marks, periods)

For homework, can your children, please complete all or some of the following and then submit before our next class:

1) Lesson 11, Task 1 (On-Level Reading) 

- Read Only: p.1-14 and p.16-18

- Record the Reading then Submit

Thank you and have a wonderful week to the whole family.

Mr. Grande.


­­­­­­­­­­Dear parents,

For today's lesson, we worked on Lesson 11, Task 2 (Grammar).

We covered the following literary concepts:

1) Main Verbs

2) Helping Verbs

3) Quotation Marks

4) Punctuation (e.g., commas, question marks, exclamation marks, periods)

For homework, can your children, please complete all or some of the following and then submit before our next class:

1) Lesson 11, Task 1 (On-Level Reading) 

- Read Only: p.1-14 and p.16-18

- Record the Reading then Submit

Thank you and have a wonderful week to the whole family.

Mr. Grande.


­­­­­­­­­­Dear parents,

For today's lesson, we worked on the Unit 4, Lesson 12, Dec 02, Week 3 Test.

I will Message you your child's Test Results. Thank you.

For homework, can your children, please complete all or some of the following and then submit before our next class:

1) Lesson 13, Task 1: Dec 7 (Spelling Practice):

- Complete then Submit

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend to the whole family.

Mr. Grande.


Dear parents,

For today's lesson, we worked on the Unit 4, Lesson 12, Dec 02, Week 3 Test.

I will Message you your child's Test Results. Thank you.

For homework, can your children, please complete all or some of the following and then submit before our next class:

1) Lesson 13, Task 1: Dec 7 (Spelling Practice):

- Complete then Submit

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend to the whole family.

Mr. Grande.


Dear parents,

We completed Lesson 14, Task 2 in class today.

For homework, to the best of their ability, can your children please complete the following Lesson 14, Task 1, activities:

1) Read Only - p.1-14

2) Complete - Respond to Reading - p.15

3) 'My Wonder's Dictionary' - 1 or 2 word entry.

Thank you and have a very good evening.

Mr. Grande.


Dear parents,

Today's lesson (Lesson 14 - Task 2 - May 12 - Your Turn) was focused on knowledge accuracy with key vocabulary definitions and their usage. The lesson was also focused on high level construction of a Venn Diagram. All your children worked very hard and participated very well on these activities throughout the lesson. Very well done to them all!

We covered the following literacy concepts today:

1) Key Vocabulary Definitions

2) Building level 4 Sentence Frames

3) Building level 4 Compare & Contrast Graphic Organizers (Venn Diagrams)

4) Finding Key Details in a Text and recording them in Point Form


For HOMEWORK, can your children please ONLY complete the following pages from the above listed lesson:

p.285 part A


Thank you.


Have a wonderful weekend to the whole family and I look forward to our lesson next Thursday.

Very best regards,

Mr. Grande


Dear parents,

For today's lesson, we worked on Lesson 13, Task 2 (R&W). We covered the following literary concepts:

1) Key Vocabulary

2) Genre - Informational Text - Expository Text

3) Homonyms = Multiple Meaning Words

For homework, can your children, please complete all or some of the following and then submit before our next class:

1) Lesson 13, Task 1: (Spelling Practice):

- Complete then Submit

Thank you and have a wonderful week to the whole family.

Mr. Grande.


Dear parents,

For today's lesson (Lesson 15 - Task 2 - May 13 - Grammar) we covered the following literacy concepts:

* Adverbs (Compare)

* Proofreading strategies

* Reading strategies 


For HOMEWORK, can your children please complete the following:

1) Lesson 15 - Task 1 - May 13 - Your On-Level Reading

(Read, Record, and Submit)

 - pages 2-14 ONLY

Thank you.


Have a wonderful weekend to you all and I look forward to seeing your children at our next Friday's lesson.

Very best wishes,

Mr. Grande


Dear Ryan's parents,

Today was a very challenging lesson for Ryan. He had trouble getting into today's lesson due to internet connectivity issues (5 minutes) and he was also acting in poor behavior throughout the lesson. For example, to start the lesson, it took him 15 minutes to write a Title and Date in his notebook!!!

20 minutes were lost before the lesson even began. I ask that you please have a conversation with him about his behaviour during our lessons. Also, it might be a good idea if  at least one parent is home during Ryan's lessons so as to ensure that he behaves himself and that he takes these lessons seriously. 

For today's lesson, we read Lesson 14, Task 1 (Literature Book).  

To help Ryan take his lessons seriously, it would be a VERY GOOD idea for Ryan to complete his homework.

For homework, can Ryan please complete and submit: Lesson 14, Task 2: (Your Turn).

Thank you. 

Mr. Grande.


Dear parents,

We completed Lesson 15, Task 1 in class today.

For homework, to the best of their ability, can your children please complete the following Lesson 15, Task 2, activities:

1) Complete - p.31, p.33-35, p.38 Pt.A.

2) 'My Wonder's Dictionary' - 1 or 2 word entries.

Thank you and have a very good evening.

Mr. Grande.


Dear Ryan's parents,

Ryan completed the first page of today's Grammar lesson (Lesson 15, Task 2 - p.91 - Clauses).

For HOMEWORK, can Ryan please complete and then submit, the remaining four pages of today's Grammar lesson:

       (Lesson 15, Task 2 - pages 92-95)

Thank you.

Mr. Grande.




Dear parents,

For today's class, we worked on Lesson 15, Task 2 (Grammar). We completed pages 91-92:

1) Independent and Dependent Clauses

2) Conjunctions

For HOMEWORK, can your children please complete the rest of Lesson 15, Task 2 (Grammar) - pages 93-95. 

Whatever they are unable to complete, we will cover in class.

EXTRA HOMEWORK, only if you would like your child to complete this as well:

Lesson 15, Task 1 (Your On-Level Reading)

          Read, Record, then Submit.

Thank you and Happy Holidays to you all.

Mr. Grande.



Dear parents,

For today's lesson, we worked on the Unit 4, Lesson 16, Dec 16, Week 4 Test.

I will Message you your child's Test Results. Thank you.

Since we are now entering the holiday season, no homework will be assigned. Please enjoy your holiday and continue to keep healthy, safe, and in good spirits.

[For those parents who would like some homework for their child, you can complete the following homework and I would be more than happy to evaluate it:

Lesson 17, Task 1, Jan 04 (Spelling Practice)].

Happy Holidays to you and to your entire family.

Very best wishes,

Mr. Grande.


Dear parents,

For today's lesson, we worked on the Unit 4, Lesson 16, Dec 16, Week 4 Test.

I will Message you your child's Test Results. Thank you.

Since we are now entering the holiday season, no homework will be assigned. Please enjoy your holiday and continue to keep healthy, safe, and in good spirits.

[For those parents who would like some homework for their child, you can complete the following homework and I would be more than happy to evaluate it:

Lesson 17, Task 1, Jan 04 (Spelling Practice)].

Happy Holidays to you and to your entire family.

Very best wishes,

Mr. Grande.


Dear parents,

Today's lesson was an in-class test (Lesson 16 - May 19 - Weekly Test - G3U6W4). Your children used the hour very wisely, focused on the task at hand. My instructions were very clear on the high standard of assessment they are all now at, especially at the level and stage of learning they've achieved with the G3 Wonders program, Unit 6. Your children listened to these instructions very well and they all completed their tests on time, with success. Well done to them all!

If you would like to know your child individual mark, you can Message your request to me through the ANEE portal. 

Thank you.


For HOMEWORK, can your children please complete the following:

1) Lesson 18 - Task 1 - May 19 - Spelling Practice - Homework

Thank you very much once again.


Have a wonderful weekend to the whole family and I look forward to our lesson next Thursday.

Very best regards,

Mr. Grande




