
Dear Oscar and Oscar's parents,

For today's lesson, Oscar and I worked on his Advertising Homework Assignment from his last lesson. Some aspects of advertising methodology were quite challenging for Oscar so that was today's lesson focus. 

For today's lesson, we covered the following Advertising components:

1) Staying on message

2) Simple and Clear (short but sweet!) descriptive sentences

3) 'Sense of Urgency' sentences


For HOMEWORK, can Oscar please read all of the slides (including watching the videos in some of these slides), for the following lesson:

Lesson 49 - Task 1 - Sep 27 - Homework - Research, Part 1 - Read Slides


I would like Oscar to work hard to understand the information presented in these slides, as much as he is able to. We will review these slides together, in more detail, during Oscar's Wed.Oct.04th lesson.

Thank you very much.

Have a wonderful week and I look forward to seeing Oscar next Wednesday.

With my very best regards,

Mr. Grande



