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March 3rd--with remaining time, we wrote sentences with high frequency words that Emily knows. 

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Feb. 22nd--completed lesson, practiced sounding out three letter words, the letter t in the first and last place. and words with V (which Emily learned in school today).  She was very excited about her tu


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Feb. 15

Emily did a great job learning about the letter p and reading sentences that start with "I can see..."

Words to practice













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Feb. 8

We read through the stories, and studied words that start with letter s.  We talked about the five senses, and practiced talking about things using our five senses.  Emily did great today!

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January 18

Today we reviewed the last letters of the alphabet, and talked about what some students do at school in a picture story.  We read short sentences starting with "I can". 

For homework, Emily could review some of the sentences we wrote together about the pictures in the story. 

It was great working with you today!

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January 4th

Emily did a great job with her first lesson!  She can use "I can" to start sentences about pictures, and can talk about what she can do.  she knows her allphabet.  

For homework, she should practice the most common sounds of alphabet words, and see if she can say new words that start with each letter. 

It was great to meet you Emily!  :)

Love Shannon


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Frances did an excellent job today. She was able to read her phonics words and a short story. She can continue to practice reading the unit sight words 'with' and 'are.'



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Frances did a great job today in class. She used her new vocabulary words in sentences and read the short lesson text independently. 

Excellent work from Frances today.



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Frances did an excellent job in class today. We practiced making sentences with her new vocabulary words and she participated very well (special, beneath, fresh, raise, delicious, he, with). Frances read her lesson story independently. Great work from Frances today.


Ms. Katie

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Frances did an excellent job in class today. She read her phonics words and short story independently. Frances did well with the new lesson vocabulary and forming her own sentences. He can use the lesson slides to continue to practice her vocabulary words.


Ms. Katie

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Frances did an excellent job in class today. She began with the new vocabulary words and she was attentive for most of her vocabulary lesson. I have added the slides from today's lesson to the portal and she can continue to review and practice the new vocabulary for homework. We did not finish using each new word in a sentence. She can do that for homework.

Frances did very well with today's reading. She identified the describing words (adjectives) in sentences and formed sentences with adjectives from a list she made. Frances participated very well in her grammar lesson and worked hard.

Thank you,


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Frances did very well on most parts of her unit assessment. She was able to listen as I read the story and she answered all comprehension questions correctly. Frances can listen to a word and identify the first or last letters. She was able to pick the words with the same first or last letters. Frances has a harder time picking the correct middle vowel. She could read all of  the words on the slides but had a harder time listening and deciding on the correct middle letters. Frances became a bit distracted for a few minutes near the end of our assessment. She did begin to participate well again and we completed all activities. Excellent work from Frances.

Thank you,

Ms. Katie

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Frances did a great job in class today. She participated well practicing the new vocabulary words (local, neighborhood, routine, intelligent, volunteer). She can continue to practice the word 'volunteer' as it was the most difficult for her. 

Frances read today's reading independently. With encouragement she formed a few sentences for me about what she would like in a neighborhood.

Great job today from Frances.

Thank you,

Ms. Katie

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Frances did well in class today. She worked on the vocabulary with me and with some encouragement formed her own sentences. Frances did a great job in her phonics lesson and with her reading. 

Task one of lesson 12 is the 'homeschooling materials' and they have good ideas to reinforce what she is talking and reading about in class. 

Thank you,


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Today Frances had her unit review. She did very well in all areas. Frances listened to a story and correctly answered 5 of the 6 comprehension questions. Frances did very well identifying words that began with either /p/ or /t/ and had a bit more difficulty finding the words that ended with that sound (picking the correct word out of three). Frances was able to sound out words and tell me how many letter sounds they had. She did very well reading all sight words. Frances identified all shapes from the unit and what animals can hop. Excellent work from Frances today. 


Thank you,


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Frances did an excellent job in class today. She participated well in class and did all of the text reading on her own. Frances can continue to practice her vocabulary words using the lesson slides and identifying verbs (action words) in sentences. 

Excellent work today from Frances.


Ms. Katie.

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Frances arrived quite late today but we got down to work and she finished her study of the vocabulary words and her lesson reading. Frances was a bit reluctant to read but once she got going she did very well. 

Frances can continue to practice her vocabulary  words using the lesson slides. We did not have a chance to finish the grammar lesson and she can practice using verbs with several activities I added to the vocabulary slides. 

Thank you,

Ms. Katie.

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Frances had her unit review today and she did a very good job. She listened to two short stories and answered comprehension questions. Frances was able to identify the setting of a story. She answered most questions correctly on her own and needed assistance on two of the six comprehension questions. In the phonics awareness section Frances was able to identify the short /a/ vowel sound in the middle of short words. She needed some assistance identifying the final consonant sound in a word. I think this problem was more an issue with understanding the directions for the activity. Frances shows very good awareness of all consonant sounds. Frances was able to read her high frequency words on her own (the, see, we). Great job today from Frances. 16/20 

I hope she has a fabulous holiday.


Ms. Katie.

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Evan's Recording:





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amychang · 2021-06-30 · The Task has been deleted 0


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