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Dear parents,

This week is the beginning of  Unit 3! Your children are working hard and they are covering a great deal of curriculum. I am very proud of them all. For today's lesson, we worked on Unit 3, Lesson 1, Task 2 (Grammar). 

We covered the following:

1) Completed p.51-55 

a) Punctuation: Quotation Marks (" " - what someone says: "Hi, there!", says mom.) and Colon ( : - time: 3:55).

b) Subject/Noun = A person, place, or thing (The DOG jumps...)

c) Predicate/Verb = The Subjects action - What the Subject does (The dog JUMPS...)

d) Proofreading for correct Punctuation.

For homework, can your children, time willing and to the best of their ability, please complete and submit the following before our next class:

1) Unit 3, Lesson 1, Task 1 (Your On-Level Reading): 

- Read, Record, and Submit

Thank you and have a wonderful week to you all.

Mr. Grande.

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