Unit 5
132 students enrolled
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Hello parents,

For today's lesson, your children were administered the Unit 5, Lesson 15, Week 4 Test.

As this is now Unit 5, the curriculum is more challenging as are the assessments. Regardless of their test results, all your children worked very hard to determine the correct answers and to write their paragraphs with strong organization of thought, correct structure, and excellent detail. I am very proud of all your children. This was not an easy assessment. Very well done to them all.

p.s.: If you would like your child to work towards a better mark on this test, please have them independently complete the test again and submit it to the ANEE portal for my evaluation. Thank you.

Note: I will be individually messaging you with your child's test results from today.


For HOMEWORK, can your please Read, Record and Submit the following:

Lesson 16, Task 1 (On-Level Reading)

***PAGES 2-14 ONLY***

Thank you.


Have a wonderful weekend to you all and enjoy your March Break!

Very best regards,

Mr. Grande

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