Unit 5
132 students enrolled
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Dear Jamie's mother,

Jamie participated very well in class on Friday (Feb 11th). He tried his very best to answer the questions being asked of him and he honestly responded when asked if he understood new vocabulary, understood what I was saying, or understood what the activities were instructing him to do. This honesty will significantly accelerate his learning, and with Jaime's mother's strong, loving support and her immediate translation services, his learning will accelerate even more quickly. Great!

p.s.: I am so happy that Google Translate is accurate enough, confirmed by Jaime's mother, to assist Jaime with new vocabulary comprehension. Therefore, I don't have to rely so heavily on Jaime's mother's translation assistance and we (mother and I) both can provide comprehension support, in partnership. This is so ideal for Jaime's overall learning success.

We covered the following literacy concepts from Lesson 6, Task 2 (Beyond):

1) Variant Vowels

2) High Frequency Words

3) New Vocabulary

4) Reading Strategies and Comprehension


For HOMEWORK, can Jamie please complete and submit the following:

Lesson 6, Task 1 (On-Level Reading) -


Read, Record, and Submit Jamie reading this text, to the best of his ability.

Please note: if you have trouble recording and submitting using the ANEE system, vocaroo.com is another option for you.


Thank you. Have a wonderful weekend to your whole dear family. Mom, Jamie is such a sweet child and a joy to teach. Thank you for providing him with a safe and loving learning environment for him to succeed in his studies, here in Canada, in lovely Halifax. As each day passes, I know he will feel more and more comfortable and happy here, because of you and your wonderful care for him. Wonderful!

Have a really great weekend and all the very best to you all.

Mr. Grande.

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