Unit 5
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Dear Evan's parents,

Evan had a very strong lesson today (Jan.14th). He is a joy to teach.

For today's lesson, we worked on:

1) Reviewed Evan's Lesson 1, Task 1 (Grammar) homework.

2) Focused on Neatness and Organization of his Notebook and his Homework (e.g., spelling, margin, title and date, etc), for the best marks.

3) Reading Instructions carefully, for the best marks.

4) Story Telling: 'Immigrating to America' : a) Genre: Historical Fiction; b) Quotation marks and dialogue - character voice; and c) Text Features (e.g., photographs, etc).


For homework please have Evan complete the following activity:

Lesson 2, Task 1, (On-Level Reading)

- Read, Record, and Submit

(If you need assistance with this assigned homework, please contact the Academy of New Echo Education).


Thank you very much and have a wonderful weekend. 

Very best regards,

Mr. Grande.

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