Unit 5
132 students enrolled
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Dear parents,

Firstly, I would like to apologize for the confusion ANEE and I had with the start time of today's Wonders G3 Enhanced class. This issue is now rectified and I look forward to teaching your children again, on Thursdays, from 1600-1700 EDT.

As a reminder, your children will need 4 items for every class:

- a notebook

- a pencil

- an eraser

- a ruler

We are beginning our classes from Unit 2, Lesson 15. Today, we worked on Task 1 - 'Literature book'. We covered the following:

1) Read p.172-176 (Reading Strategies - Fluency and Unfamiliar Vocabulary Definitions)

2) Read p. 186 (Reading Strategies - Using 'Math' to help us fully comprehend text meaning).

For homework, can your children please complete and submit the following before our next class:

1) Lesson 15, Task 2 (Your Turn Practice)

- Complete and Submit for Evaluation

2) Lesson 16 Weekly Test

- Complete and Submit for Assessment

I welcome any questions or concerns that you would like to share with me so please do so through a direct Message to me on the ANEE website or contact ANEE with your question and concern and they will pass on your inquiries to me directly.

Thank you and have a very good week to you all.

Mr. Grande.

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