ANEE English - G3
价格 600.00

Dear Evan's parents,

Today's lesson was focused on Evan's very poor homework efforts. 

For today's lesson, Evan had to REDO his homework. He must learn that if he does not do his homework correctly and carefully, the FIRST time, he must REDO it, a SECOND time - therefore DOUBLE the work. 

As Evan worked to improve the effort and quality of his homework during our lesson, I showed him how much more his 45% homework evaluation would increase, with his extra effort and increased quality of work. He ended the lesson with a homework evaluation of 79%!!! A 34% increase!

I explained to Evan that every time he does poorly on his homework, he will have to redo it again in class until he gets a better evaluation mark. I explained to him that because he is such an intelligent boy, he should be getting school work results in the B and A Range, ALWAYS! I hope he learned this important academic and LIFE lesson well enough during this class. If not, we will continue to REDO his homework when poorly completed.

I do hope that you approve of this teaching and learning approach with Evan. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact Mrs.Ling Song and myself, at any time. Thank you.


For HOMEWORK, Evan must complete the following test and lesson, AT A HIGH LEVEL of QUALITY and EFFORT, and if he doesn't, unfortunately, he will once again have to REDO this homework during our NEXT CLASS:

1) Lesson 8 - Week 2 Test (G3U2W2.PDF)

2) Lesson 8, Task 1 (Spelling Practice)

               - p.45-46, p.47 part A


This is MORE HOMEWORK then I would usually assign Evan however this is ANOTHER CONSEQUENCE for his POOR HOMEWORK EFFORT!


Evan's mother and father - I have explained many life consequences to Evan because of poor effort choices, such as: getting into a GREAT University; a JOB he REALLY WANTS; a GAME he really wants to play; a HOBBY he really wants to get better at; in MAKING ENOUGH MONEY to do all the FUN things he wants to do in life. There are many other areas in life that are impacted by POOR EFFORT of course but these examples are more than enough. As you can see, I do care for Evan and ALL that he is learning. He is a sweet boy and so very intelligent.

I hope that you agree, in some way, with my thoughts. If so, I ask that you reinforce these important messages, at home. Evan is a VERY SMART boy and he should be TRYING to work towards his HIGHEST POTENTIAL, with HIGH QUALITY work in EVERYTHING he does - he should always TRY to put in his BEST EFFORT. As long as he TRULY TRIES, that is most certainly good enough. He has the potential to achieve GREAT things in his life, I can see that of him. It is VERY SAD when he does not achieve his potential with his school work. I care about his academic success and his life success, and I know he has great potential to do wonderful things and to have a rich and rewarding life. Thank you very much for reinforcing these very important LIFE lessons with Evan.

Mr. Grande


Thank you. Have a wonderful weekend and see you next Friday.

Very best regards,

Mr. Grande




