
Dear James' parents,

During our last lesson together, James had good focus, effective engagement, and some participation, especially with my prompts. Well done, James.

For today's lesson, we covered the following:

Lesson 20:

Task 1 - Diary - 'Why NO is better than YES!'

Task 2 - Dog Man 3-5 - 'Crate Expectations'

Task 3 - Book Report: 'My Soldier Lego Movie' -  [Movie Map - Scenes 1-4]

We focused on the following literacy concepts and strategies:

1) Summarizing Key Details from a Text/Personal Experience

2) Visual and Audio Movie Scenes: Summarization of Main Plot Points and Action Descriptors

3) Descriptive Word Choices and Key Details

4) Sentence Structure: Simple to Complex

5) Reading: Fluency and Punctuation Intonation (exclamation and question marks)


Have a wonderful remainder to 2023 and I wish the entire family a new year full of happiness, good health, and blessings.

It was a joy teaching James this past year. I hope to teach James again in the future. 

My very best regards,

Mr. Grande


